Sunday, July 29, 2012

Vs. Ned Stark and Jon Snow Take a Stroll Into Silent Hill...

Believe the Bean
Damn right Sean Bean! Mordor is a cake walk compared to Silent Hill. The memory still haunts me till this day. I was playing my 'ol PlayStation struggling to withhold the girly screams that were slowly attempting to escape my lips every time that creepy spectral baby appeared in that freaky school. Moments later, the game decides to flip the switch by plunging Harry Mason into industrial hell as the true nature of the town is revealed. At that moment, (adding the insane soundtrack of grinding metal with the churning of ancient machinery in a torturous loop just made it the experience more frightening) my pants were officially soiled. Ahh... Silent Hill, we had some good times... good times.

Friday, July 27, 2012

BONUS TIME! - Avengers and the Guardians, Together!

You ready Thanos?

Another hasty post coming your way! Check out this fan-made banner combining the banner for The Avengers with the Guardians of the Galaxy one. Not bad at all. Although not Marvel approved, it gives one a sense that things are right on course. I love it when a plan comes together.

Vs. Reshooting the Theater Shootout

Sean Penn unleashes some phony-looking CGI bullet spray upon hearing the news.

In light of the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, Warner Bros. has decided to reshoot some scenes for their upcoming mob flick, the Gangster Squad. As a result, its original release date of September 7, 2012 has been pushed back to January 2013 release.The scene in question is a shoot-out that takes place in a movie theater as audiences scramble for cover.

BONUS TIME! - Comic-Con 2012

Ginormous BONUS!

Here's a quick (and lazy ass) post to gratify your retinal senses and likely your nether regions as well. This is the first of many Bonus Time posts that don't provide much relevance, but is more of a quickfire way in getting a post accomplished.  Plus, what better way to kick it off with a few alluring and revealing girls featured at this years Con! Enjoy!

Vs. Massive Mechas Versus Monstrous Monsters - Comic-Con 2012

Me? Hose down this thing? After the shit we just survived? Why you laughing? *shoves other dude off bigass robot* That's right, not laughing anymore, bitch.

So here we go! My first vs. versus post. What better way to start a profound post like this with a subject involving robots and sea monsters. Wait, to be more precise, Japanese-like robots versus Japanese-like sea monsters! You can't go wrong when these two are in the picture! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Vs. The Big O! - Comic-Con 2012

That's a helluva O right there
If you were expecting a post involving scantily clad nymphs to satiate your personal pay load, sorry to disappoint. On the other hand, if you're here right now looking forward to early details and preview for an upcoming film of orgasmic proportions, you came to the right site. The world of Oz and its inhabitants have been granted with the prequel treatment revealing the origin of the Wizard himself. Here's the film's official synopsis:

Vs. 20 Years of Morphine... err Morphin Time! - Comic-Con 2012

The pitfalls of too much "morphine time"!

(Been swamped at work, so a few of my posts will still be detailing Comic-con 2012)

Alpha! Bring me five teenagers with attitude! This was the line that began the revolution which would quickly become a staple in many a childhood in the last 20 years. Power Rangers. Yeah, that's right! If you were initially under the impression that this was a post dealing with the downside of morphine addiction, well you were wrong, and right to some degree. It really depends on your perspective in viewing numerous iterations of teens coming together to battle giant monsters while outfitted in distinctly colored costumes. By that description alone, it sure sounds like a group of teens have been hooked to the morphine drip one too many times. Whichever way you look at it, Power Rangers is a TV franchise that has stood the test of time.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Vs. Nolan's Geniune Reaction To An Unforgivable Act

a senseless tragedy

I'm sure you've all heard the news by now on this heinous crime considered to be the worst mass shooting in American history. When I heard of the news earlier, I was left speechless. This was a movie event that many were anticipating, people of various ages, races, backgrounds, just wanting to go the theaters and escape reality for a couple of hours. There were even a few garbed in Batman-inspired costumes and clothing; these people just wanted to take pleasure in this beloved comic franchise. So this asshole of all assholes decides to barge in minutes into the movie and unleash a carnage of nefarious proportions opening a continuous stream of gunfire on an audience who initially believed it to be a publicity stunt; just all part of the show.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vs. Countdown: The Dark Knight Rises

The Joker concurs... long live the Batman!

Wihtout warning it comes... crashing through the window of your study... and mine... I have seen it before... somewhere... it frightened me as a boy... frightened me... yes Father. I shall become a bat. -Bruce Wayne (Batman: Year One)

I've decided to compile a list of thoughts on Nolan's Batman films; a countdown in anticipation to The Dark Knight Rises when it debuts tomorrow.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Vs. Marvel Films Phase 2 ASSEMBLE! - Comic-Con 2012

In your face DC!
 BOOM! Marvel just dropped a massive pile of shit on DC with the official announcement of  "Phase-Two" of their self produced movies.

Vs. Korra: The Legend Renewed! - Comic-Con 2012

The ORIGINAL! Often imitated never duplicated.
Korra? Renewed?? Up to season 4?!!! It's certainly a good time to be an Avatar fan and it's never too late to tag along with Team Avatar on their many adventures.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vs. Iron Man: Salvation - Comic-Con 2012

I am Iron Man.
With the awesomeness that was The Avengers still latched on to many fanboys minds, the wait for the next Iron Man installment cannot come any sooner. Marvel is labeling Iron Man 3 as the film that will propel Phase-Two of their Marvel Cinematic Experience. Audiences have less than a year to wait, but until the first teaser debuts, Marvel decided to grant us our first look into the project by way of concept art.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vs. Comic-Con 2012

Dark... Alodia! Nice.
Oh Comic-con, what I wouldn't give to attend your convention. To sound a bit pathetic here, I would give my left nut... I really would! Yet again, it is that time of year for all the geeks to converge in San Diego and bear witness to all the awesomeness the con has to offer. Residing here in the Philippines makes it pretty tough for me to venture all the way to the States, but it sure as hell won't refrain me from posting updates describing the event.

Vs. Doc Connors Unexpected Shadowy Guest Who's Also A Bit of an Ass


Spoiler territory ahead!

If you haven't seen the Amazing Spider-Man film, do not continue reading!

I repeat, this post is spoilerrefic! If you don't want to be spoiled do not proceed any further.

Still here? Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vs. The Webb of Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2099 2012
The last Spider-Man  movie was released just five years ago. It may have earned bug bucks at the box office, but both critics and especially the average film viewers were not happy with the finished product. Sony could have cared less, they had distributed another cash cow that was first conceived ten years ago. All was well with Sony eyeing a Spidey 4 release date for May 5, 2011. Before the 'fourquel' could get set into motion, everything just went to hell. The writers ran out of ideas, Sam Raimi felt pressured by Sony to fast track the movie, and Tobey Maguire followed suit. Suddenly, Spider-man 4 was no more.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Vs. The Obligatory First Post

A first step, a first day, a first bite... a first post. A first of many can define almost anything, in this case, my blog. So you can imagine with the countless number of experienced bloggers out there that I approach my first official post with a measure of trepidation. With any start most would like to leap head first, you have to make that first impression count right? I would hope not to forget my footing first, mistaking brashness for aplomb. There's no turning back now, I'm just going to cut to the chase and say, 'Welcome!'