Spoiler territory ahead!
If you haven't seen the Amazing Spider-Man film, do not continue reading!
I repeat, this post is spoilerrefic! If you don't want to be spoiled do not proceed any further.
Still here? Don't say I didn't warn you.
The end credits scene shows Dr Curt Connors now in prison. As he sits brooding in his cell, an obscure figure suddenly materializes after a flash of light. I say 'materializes' because he sure as hell wasn't in there as the guards ushered the doc into his cell. The two have a brief discussion about Peter's father. The mystery man asks Connors if he told Peter about his father, where he replies with a quick fuck off 'No!' and tells the shadowy bastard to leave Peter alone. He takes the hint and disappears once more.
So who is this guy?! Let's quickly skim through some of the many villains in Spidey's rogues gallery. With a sequel on the way, all signs are pointing to Parker's arch big bad, Norman Osborn aka The Green Goblin. Sony may have taken a page from Warner's Nolan trilogy and started off with a lesser known baddie for their first outing of the new Spider-Man film and eventually unleash the bigger guns for the second entry in their planned trilogy ala The Joker in The Dark Knight. Another possibility could be Electro (figure makes his entry after the flash of light) or Mysterio (illusions and mind tricks). Hell, the dude could be Morbius or even Ben Riley *gasp* Peter's father! If things were to go my way though, I would like Mr. Shrouded In Darkness to be... wait for it.... The Spot! That guy is all kinds of badassery. How can you not be threatened and intimidated by a name like that?! Plus, it makes some sense. Mysterious figure drops in and disappears in an instant. He could have easily used one of the many 'spots' on him to teleport into the cell.
I know this blog is still in its infancy stage so I don't expect much traffic to flow in, but if you drop by, feel free to leave a comment! My bet is on The Spot!
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