Friday, July 13, 2012

Vs. Comic-Con 2012

Dark... Alodia! Nice.
Oh Comic-con, what I wouldn't give to attend your convention. To sound a bit pathetic here, I would give my left nut... I really would! Yet again, it is that time of year for all the geeks to converge in San Diego and bear witness to all the awesomeness the con has to offer. Residing here in the Philippines makes it pretty tough for me to venture all the way to the States, but it sure as hell won't refrain me from posting updates describing the event.

disregard bella, and perhaps alice too, and what the hell is jackie chan doing there?

This year's convention will be holding a lot of new and exciting panels. You got the big three: The Hobbit, Iron Man 3, and the Man of Steel, with Iron Man 3 serving as the final act to close the con. Additionally, there's also panels for The Expendables 2, zombie saga The Walking Dead, and even a Firefly reunion! Firefly.... give me more Firefly! Whedon has proven his worth earning a shitload of moolah with The Avengers. Can some studio please green light another film or even better, another TV series?! Hell, the Firefly reunion panel alone is worth the trip. Speaking of television show panels: Game of Thrones will be present, Dexter, The Legend of Korra (got to catch up on this), and the coolest show on TV now, Breaking Bad. The show doesn't even have any fantasy or sci-fi elements and the con still felt the need to include it in the mix. That is a testament to the sheer epicness the show has displayed and my man Walt Heisenberg White is a beast!

DIE Glee

A number of posts this week will be comic-con related to appease my inner fanboyism so I hope you can bear with my random geek outs from here on out (less than a week, promise).

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