Friday, August 3, 2012

Vs. The Trailer for Taken...... AGAIN!

Chuck Norris... you've been dethroned.

The first time something was Taken from Liam Neeson, he took it upon himself to unleash hell upon every human trafficking Albanian within his sight.Liam murdered all their assess solo. With his title of badassery affirmed once more, you would think these dumbasses who exploit sex for a living would just stay away. If they did, then you wouldn't be reading this post.

Who would of thought that Hollywood would be making a follow-up to by the numbers actioner, I sure as hell didn't. The first movie was able to wrap up whatever thin plot it had going for it. Well, here we are, just months away from watching what Liam Neeson does best: pop a shitload of caps into asses. The first movie raked in tons at the box office considering the modest budget it took to develop the movie. So it was but logical for Hollywood to milk this baby and green light another round for the ex-CIA who has a taste for getting what all wronged retired agents desire - destruction to Albannian tough guys who think they can kill Liam Neeson.

I enjoy watching any movie that involves Liam Neeson kicking all sorts of ass, it's his specialty as of late. The first installment pretty good. It had a swift pace and Bourne Identity-like editing in the action department. Watching Neeson dismantle all his foes single handedly was an absolute joy. Believable you ask? Realistic? In many cases, not by a long shot, but this is Liam Neeson, former Jedi, Immortal, and Wolf-Hunter we're talking about here. I don't give a shit if it's plausible or not as long as Liam gets the job done.     

 Why the hell would anyone in their right mind consider messing with Liam Neeson

The sequel now has Liam's ex-wife abducted by the vengeful Albanians with his daughter tagging along in the mayhem. The line in the trailer that sold me? Liam's query to the main baddie about how his mother's sons will come after him if he decides to skull fuck him. 'Then I will kill them too....' Fuck yes he will! He will maim generation after generation of Albanian sex traders not because he feels like it, but because he can!

Adrenalin pumping, Albanian ass-kicking trailer ensues after the text. Click!

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